When I decided that I was going to keep a blog and not the other way round I realised that it needed a name, to give it an identity.
I had already made up my mind that I would follow no set pattern, neither in subject matter nor in frequency – I would add things as and when either time allowed or the mood took me and thus a title presented itself. One that allows me the freedom to keep this fledgling blog untethered from anyone particular subject or category.

Wednesday 25 August 2010

A hypocracy I can live with

I was never going to blog...

Not for me in any way shape or form

Couldn't see the point of it.

This was of course back when Blogging was in it's infancy...

It may have something to do with the fact I didn't and still don't keep a diary – other than appointments and even then only sporadically.

What has changed I don't hear you ask?

Well as the years have crept by and blogging has become increasingly more prolific I first began to notice that increasingly more often than not when searching for something or other, at least a few of the results took me to a blog. Initially I skipped these in favour of more 'reliable' sources of information but
as we all know - or if you didn't prepare for a revelation – Wikipedia is not infallible and pretty much anyone can contribute. I therefore reasoned as have many before me that blogs are as good a place as any to find what one may
be looking for.

Then friends and acquaintances started blogging on all manner or subjects and for myriad reasons.

Facebook (to a lesser extent) and Twitter especially are as we all know, essentially mini blogs and since their rise to popularity I have come to regard blogs as the preserve of those with greater dedication - even if it is simply a dedication to reporting the minutiae of daily life.

I still maintained that' while I had acquired a long and diverse list of bookmarked blogs, the act of creating and maintaining one was not for me.

That's all very well, but that still doesn't explain what has brought about the move from a change in attitude to a decisive action.

Well for one thing there was no one thing to credit or blame for this. Change has occurred gradually and largely unnoticed even by myself.

I found myself becoming more prolific in my note making. Usually this took the form of some germ of an idea or the railing against something I considered an affront  or injustice towards my sensibilities - more than anything this served to get things off my chest.

It began to dawn on me that for all intents and purposes I was keeping a blog. The only real differences being; a) it was not published and; b) it was largely illegible to anyone but me.

So what have I got to offer the world at large?

Well, that remains to be seen – this could for all anyone, myself included, knows be my one and only post. I somehow doubt it, but the only thing I can say with any certainty is that I haven't planned anything.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Invisible Kid, very best of luck with the blog wherever it may take you. I am looking forward to the journey very much.
