When I decided that I was going to keep a blog and not the other way round I realised that it needed a name, to give it an identity.
I had already made up my mind that I would follow no set pattern, neither in subject matter nor in frequency – I would add things as and when either time allowed or the mood took me and thus a title presented itself. One that allows me the freedom to keep this fledgling blog untethered from anyone particular subject or category.

Friday 22 July 2011

Serendipity? Maybe.

right then... I'm back.

I've marshaled my thoughts, had a wee, put the kettle on and am sitting comfortably. And, more shocking than all the rest, am in a thoughtful mood. Not what you may have come to expect even from my meager offerings of the past, but there it is, so you'd best get used to it before I change my mind. And that is a given.

Basically I have found something that I lost long ago, I thought forever. More accurately someone.

They whys and wherefores are unimportant.
What is of singular importance is that this person is back in my life and that is a very good thing indeed.

Over the intervening years since we parted, we have both grown as people, that much is evident. What is also clear and was both surprising and comforting is that we have not really grown apart.

Our experience have been different due to circumstance, but fundamentally what connected us then, connects us now. 
There are differences, but that is only to be expected and they will no doubt serve as fuel for inspiration for each other:– Did you see?; have you read? and so on and so forth.

This is a person who 'gets' me like no other, and although we have our respective partners and happy lives, there is that 'connection' that on some level goes deeper than that.

I can't explain it other than that I believe we were meant to be in one another's lives.

That is it really - short and to the point (leastways for me it is)

Abnormal service will be resumed when I can be bothered.